Iframe Demo:
reactJS ReactJS Iframe Demo:
UE5 Iframe Demo::
unreal Unreal project source code used in the demo:
more More detailed doc:
From UE4 App, if you send any json object that doesn't contain type
property, it will be catched window.e3ds.onEvent
you You can send json object like the following:
In your blueprint where you want to set this up (Actor/Pawn), Create a function called Send Pixel Streaming Response and create a string Variable Pixel Streaming Response String. In the function you can retrieve the reference of the Pixel Streaming Component from the Player Controller using the Actor > Get Component by the Class node. Click the Component Class input, and look for the PixelStreamingInputComponent in the list. Set the json JSON response you want to send in Pixel Streaming Response String and call the Send Pixel Streaming Response function on event where needed.
Example JSON object-{"cmd":"run","room":"dining room"}
This will go in Pixel Streaming Response String variable.