Override mouse visibility in the browser :
Info |
To override the above option in the config you can do this: https://connector.eagle3dstreaming.com/v5/demo/E3DSFeaturesTemplate/0AhsanConfig?showbrowserMouse=0 |
Override Cmd line parameters to pass to Unreal app :
Add dynamic Launch parameters to your project by adding “?exeLunchArgs=” after the URL and then the parameter you want, ex -Project=TestProject
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https://connector.eagle3dstreaming.com/v5/demo/E3DSFeaturesTemplate/E3DS-Iframe-Demo?exeLunchArgs=-Project=TestProject -id=6 -var2=666 -email=myemail@gmail.com |
Info |
Notice the space in between these two variables: "-id=4 -var2=666" If you paste this URL into the browser then the browser will transform all spaces into %20 . |
So the final URL will become like this: |
Both versions are valid.
From the bowser browser console, You can check if the app got these new parameters or not:
To be able to see the unreal app's console you have to see an unreal build that was not packaged in shipping mode. and you have to enable this setting “ Print UE4 Log in Browser console “:
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These final URLs also work in iframe. |
In case you don't want to override but merge more values from the URL then enable “Should append parameters from URL with existing one to override?“ in your config
Info |
If that |
is enabled then the system will merge the new values with the existing |
ones that already |
have been set in the config. |
We will expose many other parameters that will allow you to override most of the settings in the config at runtime.