Learn how to open a specific url URL on the device where the user will open your apps’s streaming url App’s Streaming URL.
Here are some device specific Video previews:
Video 1. Desktop Preview
Video 2 : Android Preview
Try the feature from this demo urlURL :
Explanation for
Programmers :
Info |
To underatnd understand some of the termns terms, take a look at the document below covering , how to send a pixel streaming command to E3DS System: |
To Open a URL on the user's side, you have to pass the URL of the website from the unreal app to the browser side through the JSON object.
Our browser-side system will collect that URL from JSON object and open a new Tab in the user's browser with the given URL.
Json Syntax:
{"cmd":"launchUrl","value":"Put URL Here"}
Example Json to send from unreal app to browser :
{"cmd":"launchUrl","value":"http://www.eagle3dstreaming.com/ "}
Blueprint from example project:
Blueprint text verison version :
(to be added)
Troubleshooting :
Info |
Please note that in some URL there could be special signs which won’t be compatible with this. For that you have to encode the |
URL to replace special characters with the corresponding encoded version. here is a website for that: |
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