

Why use E3DS Automation Tools?

  • Automatically packaging your Unreal Engine Pixel Streaming project,

  • Automatically zipping it up and

  • Automatically uploading it to Eagle 3D Streaming System.

All these things are done with just a single click and makes your overall process very smooth by taking the responsibility of uploading your project to the perfect place it should be.

Step 1. Open your Unreal Engine project folder and create a “Plugins” folder inside your project folder.


Step 2. Download the E3DS Automation Tools ZIP file and extract it inside the “Plugins” folder.



Rename the extracted folder as shown in Figure 3.



Step 3. Open your project in Unreal editor and Go to Edit > Plugins


Step 4. Enable Pixel Streaming Plugins. Then restart your Unreal Editor.

In the search bar type “Pixel Streaming”. Check the boxof “Pixel Streaming” and restart your Unreal Editor.
