
Step 1. Open your Unreal Engine project folder and create a “Plugins” folder inside your project folder.


Step 2. Download E3DS Automation Tools from this URL and extract it inside the “Plugins” folder.


If you want to install E3DS Automation Tools from marketplace then follow this docs to upload and stream your app.


If you want to install E3DS Automation Tools by cloning github repository of E3DS then follow this docs to upload and stream your app.


Step 6. From Plugins select “E3DS Automation Tools Settings”


Step 7. Configure E3DS Automation Tools Settings



Download EL_AT.exe file (If you have not downloaded it before)



After clicking Launch E3DS Automation Tool you will see a command prompt (Figure 26). Wait a moment and then you will see the message in the command prompt indicating the app is uploaded (Figure 27)

image-20241022-013647.pngImage Modifiedimage-20241022-013629.pngImage Modified

Step 9. Now come to Control Panel and you will see your uploaded app
