Set a time of AFK for your Apps

Eagle 3D Streaming

Set a time of AFK for your Apps

Use and functionality of the feature AFK (Away from Keyboard).

Enable AFK from your Control Panel to get a Warning on your session whenever you are away from your Controls (i.e. Keyboard and mouse).

Or get a Closing session message if you were still away from the game after the Count down on your Warning message ends.


For this document, you need :

  1. Access to the Control Panel ;

  2. At least one uploaded application.



Go to : Control Panel > Step 2: Create a Config > Edit > Session.


Image 1. Control Panel: Step 2: Create a Config: Session

Step 1. Check the box of ‘IsAFK Enabled’


Image 2. Check the box of IsAFK Enabled

Step 2. Set ‘AFK warn Timeout (Minutes)’

Click Save after setting the Warn Timeout in the field.

Step 3. Set ‘AFK close Timeout (Minutes)’

Click Save after setting the close timeout in the field.

Step 4. Run the game to test the Features

1. Go to

2. Do not use your mouse and/or keyboard

3. An AFK warning is displayed on the screen


Step 5. Click ‘Continue Streaming’ to go back to the session


If you still don’t use your (mouse and/or keyboard) after the warning, the session gets terminated and you will be disconnected.


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Eagle 3D Streaming