Why delete the pre-packaged sample App?

The pre-packaged sample app was created to test and show how the platform works. But over time, it has taken up nearly 1GB of storage. Keeping unused apps like this can take up storage and limit resources.


Before deleting the app copy and save the URL of your app stream link to test whether app is deleted or not later.

Before deleting the app copy and save the URL of your app stream link to test whether app is deleted or not later.

Follow the steps to delete the Pre-packaged Sample App:

Step 1. Click on Demo App in your control panel.

Step 2. Click on Delete App.


Step 3. Click Continue to Delete the App.


Step 4. Check whether the app is deleted or not.

Go to copied URL and you will see that the app doesn’t exist. That means the app is deleted successfully.


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