Eagle 3D Streaming

Customize Background, Logo, Loading & Queue Screen, and Play Buttons

This document is a tutorial on how to customize the background, Logo, Loading and Queue screen and Play Buttons from the Control Panel with 2D assets.


Before starting the first step, make sure you have:



Once you have created your config then you can edit it to customize almost all visual elements of each screen.

Image 1. Created your config: Elements of each screen.


First, upload your 2d assets by clicking the button marked in this pic:

Image 2. Created your config: Upload your 2d assets


It will open a new tab where you will be able to select your 2D assets and then upload it by pressing the save button.



Select the image and then assign any of these fields marked in this pic:

Customizing Your Background, Logo, Loading, and Play Buttons.



Please follow these steps when uploading images for projects:

-must select correct app before uploading.  Logo selection is specific to app selected;

-larger files (>1mb) can take a few minutes to load;

-must be a .png unless it’s loading image, then it can be a .gif;

-LOGO size should be 800×400 pixels or less;

-LOADING gif should be 600×200 pixels or less.


In order to play a video while loading your app, check out this document.

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Eagle 3D Streaming