Eagle 3D Streaming

Uploading an App

Learn to Upload an Unreal Engine Application on the Old Control Panel.



Make sure to Test your App Locally with Epic’s Signaling Server before uploading.

Step 1. Select all the files in your Root folder

In the Root folder, where the exe file of your Application is located, select all the files and folders.

Image 1: Project’s Root Folder: Select all the files and folders

Step 2. Create an Archive of your Packaged Project’s Root folder

Note : If you upload a project without archiving it first, the upload will fail.

The Supported archive format is ZIP.

Image 2. Right click on the selected files: Send to : Compressed (zipped) folder

Step 3. Add the name of your App




Step 4. Upload your App

  1. Click Upload from Step 1 : Select an App

A new tab of the Uploader page will open in your browser.


  1. Click Browse → select the archived Project → Open

  1. Click on ´Verify´ for a verification of the zip file

  1. Click Upload

In the progress bar, you will see the application uploading progress


  1. Your App is successfully uploaded if the progress bar displays "Upload completed"



Now you are ready to Upload your Project on Eagle 3D’s Platform !

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Eagle 3D Streaming