Eagle 3D Streaming

Generating a Session Token

Information on how to generate a Token for your Account from the Old Control Panel.

The Token will expire right after the time you set in this Token Generator page.


For this document, you need :

  1. Access to the Control Panel ;

  2. A user Account.


Step 1. Login to the Control Panel

Click here to login.

Step 2. Click Account

image-20240516-081857 (1).png
Image 1. Control Panel : Click Account

Step 3. Go to Developer Options

image-20240516-082045 (1).png
Image 2. Click on Developer Options

Step 4. Select Streaming Session Token Generator

 Step 5. Paste the Json Object in the appropriate field

Note : A Json Object is a structure holding an unordered set of name/value pairs. In a Json file, it is represented by everything between curly braces {}.

Refer to this Unreal Engine C++ API Reference Tutorial on JSON Object Functions https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/API/Runtime/Json/Dom/FJsonObject/


Example of a JSON Object pasted in the image below :

Step 6. Set the Expiry Minutes of your Token in the appropriate field

Step 7. Click Generate Token

Step 8. Click Copy Token


Refer to this document to embed the streaming into a webpage without iframe.



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Eagle 3D Streaming