Info |
Make sure to :
Note |
You should have at least one App Uploaded. |
Step 1. Sign In to your Control Panel
Login with your information.
Step 2. Select your App
Step 3. Generate a Streaming Link
See : Generate a Streaming Link for your App.
Step 4. Click Edit Config
See : Edit your Config.
Note |
Add a Config name to be able to edit the Config . |
Step 5. Edit the Common Config features
1. Link Expiration
2. Password Protect Stream
7. Show Browser mouse
8. Mouse Control Scheme
Step 6. Click Save
Panel | ||||||
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Click Save after every modification to apply the changes to the Config. |
Panel | ||||||
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You can always go back 🔙 ⬅️ to the previous page to Edit other Configs of your generated Streaming Links. |
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Requests sent on weekends will not be addressed until the following business day.