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Download the following files for this step (skip if you have already downloaded them):

  • EL_AT.exe file

  • 7-Zip application and install that match your computer specification

Follow the steps to configure project settings:Package the projec

Step 1. Go to Edit > Project Settings.


Step 2.


Select Packaging and search “list of map”

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Step 3.


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Add Third Person Map


Step 4. Select


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Build Target as YourProjectNameServer

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Step 5.


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Step 6. Give Your E3DS Streaming App Name


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Step 7. Choose Packaging Mode


There are two types of packaging mode : Development mode and Shipping mode. In development mode the packaging is slower and you can see the “Output logs” while packaging it. On the other hand in shipping mode the packaging is faster but you can’t see the “Output logs” while packaging it.

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Step 8. In “Packaging Folder” Choose the folder where you want to store the packaged version of your application (Figure 19 and 20)


Choose an empty folder

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Step 9. Check the 'Do Dedicated Server Build' option

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Step 10. Give Your E3DS Streaming App Name


Use the same name you provided for the server application

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Step 11. Configure Maps and Modes

  • Default Game Mode: Set as YourProjectNameGameMode (e.g., MyProjectGameMode)

  • Global Default Server Game Mode: Set as YourProjectNameGameMode (e.g., MyProjectGameMode)

  • Editor Startup Map: Set the map that you want show on startup of the game (e.g., ThirdPersonMap)

  • Server Default Map: Set as ThirdPersonMap

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