Versions Compared


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In Flow Diagram 1, we have illustrated all the phases the system undergoes when a user accesses a streaming URL. If the flow diagram is not understandable to you, don’t worry—we've provided a detailed explanation after the Flow Diagram.

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Phase 1.


Open the streaming URL in your browser

image-20241104-063919.pngImage Removed1. Access.pngImage Added

Phase 2. Requesting a slot

image-20241106-011005.pngImage Removed2. Req slot.pngImage Added

Phase 3. Waiting for machine


After securing a slot, system will need to wait for a machine to be allocated to run the app.


If you face any problem in this phase then check the troubleshoot section below

waiting.pngImage Removed

Troubleshooting Section

3. queue.pngImage Added

Phase 4. Acquiring App


If the allocated streamer machine already contains your have the app, this step is bypassed. Otherwise, the machine will download the ZIP file from app server.

image-20241029-130308.pngImage Removed4. Acquire.pngImage Added

Phase 5. Preparing App


If the allocated streaming machine already contains your have the app, this step is bypassed. Otherwise, the machine will extract your ZIP file and perform additional setup tasks during this phase.

image-20241029-130349.pngImage Removed5. Prepare.pngImage Added

Phase 6. Launching App



The app is launching for streaming.

image-20241106-011911.pngImage Removed6. Launch.pngImage Added

Phase 7. Press Play




If everything is ok you app will be ready to play


If you face any problems in this phase then check troubleshoot section below

play app.pngImage Removed

Troubleshooting Section

7. ready.pngImage Added

Phase 8.


App is streaming


app is streaming.pngImage Removed8. play.pngImage Added




1. Stuck in queue issue


If there are many users accessing their streaming URLs simultaneously, you may experience a queue when attempting to access your streaming URL. However, this situation occurs infrequently.

We recommend waiting for a short period to allow a machine to become available.

If you are consistently stuck in the queue, it is likely due to a network issue or all the machines are assigned to other apps. Please try again after some time.

waiting.pngImage Removed3. queue.pngImage Added

2. Stuck on the “Starting App” issue


If your application is stuck on the "Starting App" page and displays a message similar to Figure 10, it likely indicates that the app was uploaded without enabling Pixel Streaming. To resolve this issue, please refer to the Enable Pixel Streaming Plugins Section to enable it.

The error message is “Our record indicates Your this app version don't have pixel streaming plugin enabled. So it can't stream”


After waiting for a short period, a message resembling Figure 11 will appear. To check whether you have enable pixel streaming or not you can go to Pixel Streaming Status Check Locally Section


3. Common reasons of a stuck streaming on loading screen :

(i) The app name does not match the .exe file name inside the uploaded ZIP file.

(ii) The Pixel Streaming Plugin is not enabled.

(iii) A temporary network issue can cause the streaming process to hang during loading.


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