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Before starting the first step, make sure you have:
4. Launch most recent already available
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There are a lot of uses for this feature, we chose to talk only about one of them in this document. |
4.1. Enable the feature ‘'Launch most recent already available’'
Check the small box of the feature ‘'Launch most recent already available’', to enable it.
a. The use of this feature
Once enabled, this feature will make sure that your application will be automatically downloaded from the Cloud storage to our machines, every time you play it (it will behave as it was uploaded for the first time)
An application that is uploaded for the first time, behaves in a way that, when you click the URL to play it, on the loading page, you will see ‘'The Acquiring App/Preparing App phase’' and that is how you would know that it is downloaded from the Cloud to our machines.
4.2. Disable the feature ‘'Launch most recent already available’'
Disable the feature by unchecking the small box next to it.
That would get the loading process of your application to the normal ‘'Starting App’' progress bar for not a the first time uploads.
Refer to this document to understand more about this feature Launch most recent already available
Now you are ready to use the ‘'Streaming Tab’' and its embedded features for your applications ! If you would like to get to know the next Tab’s features, you can find it here Tab: Session
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