Eagle 3D Streaming

Test your App Locally with Epic's Signaling Server

Describes how to test an App Locally with Epic’s Signaling Server.

Before uploading your App on Eagle 3D’s Control Panel, you should test it with Epic’s Signaling Server first, to make sure it is ready for Pixel Streaming. The steps below will guide you to test your App locally.


Step 1. Collect an unreal packaged build prepared for pixel streaming.

We expecting you already have an unreal packaged build which has been already packaged properly for windows by enabling Pixel Streaming plugin.

You can follow this document on how to package a build for pixel streaming.


In case you don’t have a properly Packaged Build or don’t want to go through the Packaging process then , You can download this sample Build here and use it for this document purpose:


a properly Packaged Build will contain this folder :


{Packaged Application Folder} > {Project Name Folder} > Samples > Pixel Streaming.


if you have collected properly Packaged Build then you are ready for step2.

Step 2. Run the Signaling Server (UE 5)


This should be done ONLY one time per project.

1. Find and click “get_ps_servers'' Windows batch file (.bat)


Go to:

{Packaged Application Folder} > {Project Name Folder} > Samples > Pixel Streaming > Webservers > get_ps_servers

2. The required files will start downloading


Image 1. Run the Signaling Server: Open the “get_ps_servers” Windows batch file

3. All required files are downloaded


Image 2. Run the Signaling Server: all the required files are downloaded

Run the signaling server (UE 4)

1. Find and click ‘'run_local’' Windows batch file (.bat)



2. The required files start downloading


3. All required files are downloaded

Step 3. Run the App

1. Create a shortcut of the exe of your App

Go to the {Windows} folder where your App is packaged. Right click on the exe. Create a shortcut.


2. Right click on the shortcut

3. Go to Properties

4. Add this Command to the end of the Target line.

Click on the Target field. Hit space (on the keyboard) and Paste this Command:



5. This is what the Target field should look like after pasting the command


6. Click Apply. Click OK

7. Double click on the shortcut of the exe file and open it

8. Open your browser and type “localhost” or “

9. Press ‘Click To Start’


10. Your App will start if the Pixel Streaming plugin was enabled

11. If the Pixel Streaming plugin was not enabled, you will see this:





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Eagle 3D Streaming