Useful Global Functions in streaming ui( No-Iframe) Solution

Eagle 3D Streaming

Useful Global Functions in streaming ui( No-Iframe) Solution


Sending data to unreal app:

var jsonToSendToUnreal={"cmd":"run","room":"dining room"} e3ds_controller.sendToUnreal(jsonToSendToUnreal)



Receiving data to unreal app:

e3ds_controller.callbacks.onResponseFromUnreal = function (descriptor) { //descriptor could be a json object console.log("ob-onResponseFromUnreal"); console.log("UnrealResponse: " + descriptor); document.getElementById('LatencyStats').innerHTML = descriptor; }


Useful global event:
These functions will be called from the core library if they are defined in global scope. If you dont define them than they will not be called . So make sure your have deifned them in proper execution order.
Inside functions, required operation can be done for the functionality of the web app.

e3ds_controller.callbacks.onDataChannelOpen = function () { console.log("ob-onDataChannelOpen"); } e3ds_controller.callbacks.onDataChannelClose = function () { console.log("ob-onDataChannelClose"); } e3ds_controller.callbacks.onConfigAcquire = function () { console.log("ob-onConfigAcquire"); } e3ds_controller.callbacks.onSessionExpired = function () { self.location = "assets/pages/session-expired.htm"; } e3ds_controller.callbacks.onReceivingAppAcquiringProgress = function (percent) { console.log("onReceivingAppAcquiringProgress: " + percent); } e3ds_controller.callbacks.onReceivingAppPreparationProgress = function (percent) { console.log("onReceivingAppPreparationProgress: " + percent); } e3ds_controller.callbacks.onReceivingAppStartingProgress = function (percent) { console.log("onReceivingAppStartingProgress: " + percent); } e3ds_controller.callbacks.onHtmlBind = function () { console.log("ob-onHtmlBind"); } e3ds_controller.terminate()


Explanations of above events:
onConfigAcquire : called when configuration data arrives
onDataChannelOpen: called when communication channel between the browser and UE app is established
onDataChannelClose: called when communication channel between the browser and UE app is broken
onSessionExpired: called when stream session time expires
onHtmlBind: when the system finishes binding function to existing stick Ui elements

terminate(): Stops the stream by stopping the connection to the app.

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Eagle 3D Streaming