3D Video Assets

Eagle 3D Streaming

3D Video Assets

Learn to Customize the Loading screen of your App with a Video.


  1. Access to the Control Panel.

  2. Eagle 3D’s User Account.


Step 1. Sign In to your Control Panel

Login with your information.

Step 2. Select your App

image-20240228-132332 (1).png
Image 1. Select your App

Step 3. Generate a Streaming Link

See : Generate a Streaming Link for your App.

Step 4. Create a Config

See : Create a Config for each Streaming Link.

Step 5. Upload a Video

1. Go to :

Edit Config > Advanced Options > Loading Screen > Video

2. Click Add New Video

image-20240325-155232 (1).png
Image 2. Click Add New Video

3. Click Upload Videos

4. Click ‘'Browse’' (MP4 videos only)

Select the Video from your Asset Folder in your Computer. You can also Drag and Drop it.

Tip : You can use this online tool to convert any YouTube Video to MP4 and download it on your computer.

5. Click Upload

6. Select the Video. Click ‘'Add Selection’'

7. The Video is displayed

8. Click Save

Tip : You can also add a Video URL instead of a Browsing and opening the Video from your computer. (See Step 10. Add a Video URL).

Step 6. Add a Video URL (optional)

1. Click ‘'Add URL’'

2. Paste the blob URL in the text Field


3. Click ‘'Add’'

4. Click Save

Step 7. Add other Videos to the List

Re-do the steps to upload new videos.

Step 8. Shuffle the Videos

This will choose a random Video from the List of Video Assets every time the App streams.

1. Enable ‘'Shuffle Videos’'

2. Click Save


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Eagle 3D Streaming