Selecting Pay Per Concurrent User

Eagle 3D Streaming

Selecting Pay Per Concurrent User

Activate your account or renew your subscription by selecting the Pay Per CCU plan.


The 'Pay Per CCU' plan requires a Credit Card as a payment method and is prepaid.


For users not paying by Credit Card and looking to activate a Pay Per Concurrent User subscription using the Control Panel, please refer to this document.



Step 1. Sign In to the Control Panel

Login with your information.


Step 2. Click ‘Renew Now’



For a quick access to the Plan Selection page, use this link.


Image 1. Renew Now


Step 3. Click ‘Select Plan


Image 2. Select Plan


Step 4. Select the number of CCUs and click ‘Continue’


Adjust the number of CCUs using the + or - signs.


Image 3. Select the number of CCUs


Step 5. Add your Payment Information and click ‘Subscribe’


  1. Enter your Credit Card information, Cardholder name and Country.


  1. Click ‘Subscribe’.


image-20240722-164817 (1).png
Image 4. Payment Information


  1. Once the payment is secured, you will receive a notification.


  1. Click ‘Home’ or wait 5 seconds to be automatically redirected to the Control Panel’s Home page.



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Requests sent on weekends will not be addressed until the following business day.

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