Eagle 3D Streaming

Package and Upload the Project

Follow the steps to package and upload the project:



Step 1. Click on the E3DS icon to launch the E3DS Automation Tools and deploy the project to the cloud.


Select Launch E3DS Automation Tool to package and push the project to cloud


Figure 1. Launch E3DS Automation Tool




After clicking Launch E3DS Automation Tool you will see a command prompt (Figure 2). Wait a moment and then you will see the message in the command prompt indicating the app is uploaded



Figure 2. Packaging and Uploading







After a few minutes, you will see a message confirming the successful upload of the server app and game app. If the upload fails, it may be due to the following reasons:

  • Insufficient available storage space on the disk where the selected packaged folder is located.

  • Incorrectly configured project settings.

  • You may be using the binary version of Unreal Engine from Epic Games.

  • Your Visual Studio is not properly configured with Unreal Engine.



If the project is failed to upload, then you should try Package the Project Manually Section to package your the project, then upload it.
















Step 2. Now come to Control Panel and you will see your uploaded server app and game app.















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Eagle 3D Streaming